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Call for paper

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1. Networks and Computing

3. Control and Automation

Communication systems

Process Control and Monitoring

Communication modeling

Intelligent Control

Computer networks

Target Tracking and identification

Sensor networks

Adaptive / Robust Control

Internet of Things

Multi-sensor Multi-target Tracking

Advanced network (IPv4, IPv6, IPv9)

Model Predictive Control

Cloud computing and data network

Sensor/Resource Management

Network Storage System

Precision Motion Control

Network and Information Security

Network Control Systems

Data Fusion

Process Control and Automation

2. Computer Software and Theory

4. Electronic Technology

Computer Software and Theory

Electronic science and technology

CPU designing and multi-core processors

Digital signal processing

Software architecture

Circuit system design

Programming language and compiler technology

Application of Microcomputer

Software formal description and testing

Communication engineering

Mathematical model for calculating

Electronic engineering technology

Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition

The principle and application of Microcomputer

Sensor and Application

Digital signal processing

Embedded Systems

Measurement and diagnostic system

High Performance Computing

Industrial control application

Data mining and index

Electronic device design

Database technology

Sensor design and application

Operating system and system software

Image processing


           1. 文用英文撰写,且必须包含研究目的、研究方法、研究结果和研究结论(含应用)等内容

          2. 插图(含标题)、表格(含表头)、参考文献都应为英文,论文中必须有英文的标题、作者姓名、作者单位、摘要和关键词等;

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        3. 英文摘要应控制在5~8行之间,且必须包含研究目的、研究方法、研究结果及结论 (含应用)等内容;

        4. 每篇论文须递交以下 3 种形式的文件:(1) Word 文件:包含图表及全部文字的完整文章;(2) 与 Word 文件对应的 pdf 文件;(3) 论文插图的源文件,位图和线条图分辨率必须大于 300dpi ;

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        7. 论文末尾请注明论文属于四大主题范围之一。


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